The Story of Jeff

Jeff level enthusiasm, Image by zoegammon from Pixabay

Jeff (b|t) and I have been friends since sometime in 2003. He was the worship leader at my church at the time. Most recently Jeff and his wife have been running a graphics design firm. Websites, book covers, textbook layout, WordPress development, etc.

Earlier this year when the graphics biz was slumping he asked if I needed any help at Dallas DBAs. After some discussion I offered him a 3 month apprenticeship – full time at offensively low hourly rates. I would be teaching him and letting him self-teach through whatever means he could get his hands on.

Inside that 3 months he was already getting on customer servers and doing daily checks (with my guidance of course).  We have a process for this.

He currently has primary DBA responsibility for 5 hourly clients and one Pocket DBA™ client, escalating to me as necessary.

As of this month, Jeff’s efforts are driving enough billable hours that he is COVERING HIS ENTIRE SALARY!  SQL Dork (b|t), the other Junior DBA here has been self-covering for a long time due to only working part-time.

I would like to tell you all of the steps Jeff took along the way…but he already blogged the whole trip.

For your reading pleasure:

The Ironic DBA Files

Thanks for reading!


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