Training: In addition to our blogs, please visit Kevin’s YouTube channel for free SQL Server basics videos. Feel free to request a topic!
Kevin also is now a Pluralsight author, with one course completed and others in the planning stages.
Kevin’s speaking and public* training schedule:
- <cancelled>August 15, Disaster Recovery is Everyone’s Job, Free, SQL Saturday Chicago
- July 13, Your SQL Servers are Mi$ConFiguReDed, SQL Saturday Austin, free
- “Fast laptop that allowed presentation to continue. Good Energy”
- “Very Friendly”
- “Well presented. Good pointers”
- “Awesome presentation. It was very helpful”
- “Natural speaking Pro”
- I should learn his skill”
- “Amazing”
- “Very cool”
- May 19, 2018, Disaster Recovery is everyone’s job!, Free, SQL Saturday Dallas
- May 18, 2018 – Pre-conference, DBA Fundamentals, $100-$140, SQL Saturday Dallas
- March 17, 2018 – 9:30am – SQL Server Security model, in plain English – SQL Saturday Cincinnati
- March 16, 2018 – Pre-conference, DBA Fundamentals, $125, SQL Saturday Cincinnati
- October 7, 2017 – SQL Saturday Minnesota:
- Saturday session - Backups for non-DBAs, Why, not How?
- “Very clear and entertaining”
- “Very engaging! Lots of good stories and experience”
- “Loved the explanations regarding DB & non-DB backup. Appreciated the info/perspective about small businesses”
- Pre-conference DBA Fundamentals (October 6, $110)
- “Very Good excitement & interest in topic”
- “Very engaging, knowledgeable, friendly. Good session”
- “Very informative and gave real life experiences.”
- “I enjoyed the broad explanations helpful to beginners as well as those who are already DBA’s.”
- Saturday session - Backups for non-DBAs, Why, not How?
- September 15, 2017 - SQL Server DBA Fundamentals, Las Colinas, TX - Free
- “Kevin/Instructor was very knowledgeable and the information shared in the presentation was clear; presented well. I like the fact that it included to bases for those that were new to SQL”
- “Perfectly fits the entry level need for understanding SQL Server.”
- “Easy to understand.”
- “First 7 or 8 hour presentation that I have ever been to where I did not drift off from the presentation mentally. This presentation kept me 100% engaged every minute.”
- June 24, 2017 – SQL Saturday Chattanooga – “SQL Server Security Model, in plain English”
- June 17, 2017 – SQL Saturday Houston – “Backups for non-DBAs, Why, not How”
- May-July 2017 – “DBA Fundamentals”, 5 week series, Richardson, TX
* private training is available on various DBA Fundamental topics