TIL: Dismount-DbaDatabase and Mount-DbaDatabase

We have a double feature for today’s dbatools blog post, as these two commands go hand-in-hand.

Todays commands: Dismount-DbaDatabase and Mount-DbaDatabase

Dismount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test'

Mount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test'

Detach-DbaDatabase and Attach-DbaDatabase can be used as aliases. For the purpose of this blog i’m using the official names, because reasons™

Note that the .mdf and .ldf files are still present, meaning detaching a database can keep you from deleting a database you were told wasn’t needed anymore, only to instantly have someone ask why they can’t get to the database they need. If the files are still there, you can attach it and it’s good as new.

Dismount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test' `

If the database is part of a mirror or something, -Force can be used to detach it anyways.

Dismount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test' `

This will update the statistics of the database before it’s detached.

$testAttach = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
$testAttach.Add("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQL2016\MSSQL\DATA\test.mdf")
$testAttach.Add("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQL2016\MSSQL\DATA\test_log.ldf")

Mount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test' `
    -FileStructure $testAttach

The -FileStructure parameter can be used to point out where the files to attach are. If not specified, it’ll use backup history to figure out what you mean, if possible.

Mount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test' `
    -DatabaseOwner 'sa'

The -DatabaseOwner parameter lets you set the, well, database owner, when you attach the database. Defaults to sa.

Dismount-DbaDatabase `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database 'test', 'square[]brackets'

The -Database parameter can take multiple values.

That’s all i got for this one, not too complicated unless you’re doing something with credentials and stuff. Follow me (b|t) on twitter!

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