TIL: Measure-DbaBackupThroughput

Today’s dbatools command: Measure-DbaBackupThroughput

This one’s a smaller command, but that doesn’t mean it’s without use. If you need information on backup speeds (throughput) or early warning of possible hardware issues, such as in a RAID 5 setup, this can help you.

Measure-DbaBackupThroughput `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    | Select-Object `
        SqlInstance, Database, AvgThroughput, `
        AvgSize, AvgDuration, MinThroughput, `
        MaxThroughput, MinBackupDate, `
        MaxBackupDate, BackupCount `
    | Out-Gridview

Basic command usage, then we pipe it through a select statement and into a gridview. Selecting only those specific columns to cut down on redundant information, and also to get it all in one picture easier. Only measures full backups by default.


Measure-DbaBackupThroughput `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database test `
    -Last `
    | Select-Object `
        SqlInstance, Database, AvgThroughput, `
        AvgSize, AvgDuration, MinThroughput, `
        MaxThroughput, MinBackupDate, `
        MaxBackupDate, BackupCount `
    | Out-Gridview

Maybe we don’t want all the backup history for every database. Maybe we just want the most recent history for one database. The -Database parameter lets us specify which databases to check, and the -Last parameter returns only the most recent backup of each type.

Measure-DbaBackupThroughput `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Since (Get-Date).AddDays(-28) `
    | Select-Object `
        SqlInstance, Database, AvgThroughput, `
        AvgSize, AvgDuration, MinThroughput, `
        MaxThroughput, MinBackupDate, `
        MaxBackupDate, BackupCount `
    | Out-Gridview

The -Since parameter combined with Get-Date lets us get all the information since a certain point in time relative to now. Presumably this can also be done with a hard-coded date, but that seems like an edge-case scenario to me.


Measure-DbaBackupThroughput `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -Database test `
    -Type Differential `
    | Select-Object `
        SqlInstance, Database, AvgThroughput, `
        AvgSize, AvgDuration, MinThroughput, `
        MaxThroughput, MinBackupDate, `
        MaxBackupDate, BackupCount `
    | Out-Gridview

Use  the -Type parameter to get information on different kinds of backups, accepts “Full”, “Log” or “Differential”.
Note: -Type parameter does not accept multiple values with commas, probably because the results would then have to have up to 3 times as many rows, one for each backup type.


Measure-DbaBackupThroughput `
    -SqlInstance PRECISION-M7520\SQL2016 `
    -ExcludeDatabase msdb, master, model, tempdb `
    | Select-Object `
        SqlInstance, Database, AvgThroughput, `
        AvgSize, AvgDuration, MinThroughput, `
        MaxThroughput, MinBackupDate, `
        MaxBackupDate, BackupCount `
    | Out-Gridview

If we don’t want specific databases, we can use -ExcludeDatabase for that. Useful for only checking the user databases. You don’t have to specifically exclude tempdb, but i did it anyways, just for fun.

Speaking of just for fun, i also took backups of the test database onto 3 different drives, C and two external drives. The results are somewhat less useful than i’d like, though:

Speaking of external drives, go follow me (b|t) on twitter, where i mostly talk about two things:

  1. Things related to SQL Server.
  2. Things that may or may not be related to SQL Server.

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