New to SQL 2016 is the ability to send archived data off-premises to MS Azure storage, in the form of a “Stretch Database.” Sounds like a great idea in theory but do your testing and bust out the calculators before you put production data in the cloud.
Things I like:
- Not buying storage, especially on a maxed out server
- Easy to query full dataset across on-prem and Azure stretch
- Ummm…all editions is a good thing instead of Enterprise only
- Nope. That’s it.
Not fond of:
- “You are billed for each hour the Stretch database exists, regardless of activity or if the database exists for less than an hour, using the highest rate that applied during the hour.”
- Lowest performance rate is $1.25/hr or just under $1K/mo. Only goes up from there
- “Stretch Database currently does not support stretching to another SQL Server. ” Azure only
- Lame/minimal filters…you have to roll your own functions, and they must be deterministic…no “Getdate() – 30”. This GUI is only slightly better than the horrible nightmare that was Notification Services…
I’m pretty sure I could roll my own “stretch” function into a Azure SQL Database, and I’m an admin much more than a developer.
Maybe down the road this will be better, but right now its an expensive alternative to a USB drive from Fry’s, or a NAS/SAN upgrade.
Are/were you planning to use Stretch? Have a differing opinion? Let’s hear it!