Server Review Essentials for Accidental and Junior DBAs—Client Onboarding (Part 1)

Welcome back to my ongoing series about how we perform regular server reviews here at Dallas DBAs, and the tips and tricks I’ve picked up in my first 1.5 years of work as a DBA. If you’re new to the series, go back and check out the Setting Up Part 1 and Part 2 posts where I step through the most basic beginnings from setting up your work environment to getting your script library in order.

Today, we’re moving forward with getting familiar with your client, their servers, and their specific needs. Keep in mind that this is all written from an outside consultant’s point of view. If you work in-house as a DBA for a company or corporation, some of what you read here will be different than your experience. I challenge you to take what you read and see if you can apply it to your work environment and become a more efficient DBA.

Create a Client Bio

I’ll admit from the beginning of this post that much of what you’ll read below may not apply to you if you work on-prem. For those of us who jump from client to client throughout the day, getting a baseline of information at the beginning can save you from many headaches in the future.

Here at Dallas DBAs, we have set up client bio documents in Microsoft Teams for each client we serve. This is a very convenient way for us to not only access all of a client’s vital information, but we can also share and edit the information for our entire team quickly and easily.

We feel like the best approach to writing a client bio is to think about what another DBA would need to know in order to do your job in case you’re unavailable. How can you continue to provide your clients the best service possible in the event you have a car accident or get sick and are unable to work for a while? How can you best help a backup DBA cover for you effectively?

With that in mind, here’s a rundown of what we collect for our client bios.

Sample Client Bio
Sample Client Bio

Contact Information

Be sure to collect the various names, email addresses, and phone numbers of relevant team members from your client. To whom do you send daily/weekly server reports? Who do you contact if you discover an issue on a server? How do you contact them? Who will contact you in an emergency?

Connectivity Information

How do you connect to the client’s servers? What VPN client is used and where can it be downloaded? Are there any special notes or connectivity quirks another DBA needs to know about? Do they connect to a jumpbox or directly to production servers?

Put together a list of VPN URLs and RDP IP addresses as necessary.

What about credentials? Can the backup DBA share your credentials, or do they need their own? What is your client’s policy on that score? Does your backup have all the permissions they need to get the job done? Make sure your backup has all the credentials and clearances they need in your absence.

This is especially important if your client uses some sort of two-factor authentication. If you haven’t gotten your backup set up ahead of time, they’re going to need to jump through extra hoops to get the work done.

Environment Features

Make note of things like whether the servers are on-prem or VMs or a mix of the two. Is the client using any of SQL Server’s “special features” such as replication, log shipping, or availability groups?

What about third party monitoring tools such as Manage Engine, DPA, SQL Sentry, or Redgate SQL Monitor, etc? Does your backup even need to bother with checking these? If yes, then what are you looking for and what are the reporting procedures? (For instance, one of our clients likes to see screengrabs of some of the graphs on a weekly basis.) Also if yes, make sure your backup has the credentials they need to access these additional tools.

Task List

What, specifically, needs to be checked on the servers and how often? Write up a list of tasks that should be performed and their frequency. Depending on your SLA, some clients may get daily checks while others will only receive weekly checks. How often are deeper health checks performed and when?

Detailed Procedures

Once you’ve got the task list put together, be sure to create a detailed explanation of procedures for your client’s server check. It may seem sort of pedantic to type up a list of what scripts need to be run and how the results should be reported, but this is actually the most vital portion of your job when it comes to performing regular server checks. This is how are able to discover and remedy potential problems before they become serious issues.

And remember, you’re writing this as if your backup knows nothing about the client’s environment. Which scripts need to be executed? Where are the scripts located? Against which servers? How frequently should the scripts be run?

This is where you will likely want to create a repository of scripts and other files you use for your client. Create an archive of your custom scripts that are particular to your client. If you’re using password management software, add the master file to this archive. Are you using Remote Desktop Connection Manager for this client? If yes, have you provided an RDG file? What about a REGSRVR file for the Registered Servers list in SSMS?

Think about gathering everything you need to get stuff done, not only for your backup, but yourself. Imagine some strange scenario where you couldn’t access your work computer during a client emergency? Could you borrow a laptop from someone and get your work done?

But wait! There’s More

There are a few more things you should consider including in your client bio such as a server inventory, maintenance job list, and backup frequency chart. I’ll cover these in the next few posts.

You’ll find that gathering all this information is extremely helpful not only for your potential backup, but for yourself as well. I can’t tell you how many times something weird has happened on my end that prompts me open up the client bio and find the information I need. Yes, write the bio as if your backup needs to start from a position of complete ignorance of the client, but also write it in such a way to help yourself remember what to do for your client and how to get it accomplished.

I’ve found that the greatest challenge is keeping client bios updated. Very often I find myself in the situation where things have slowly changed in tiny increments over time, so it’s easy to make personal adjustments as necessary without updating the bio. Eventually all these changes add up and I’ll discover that my client bios are very out of date and it takes some time to update everything.

In fact, as I write this, I see that I’ve got some work to do on my own client bios…

If you’d like to know more about SQL Server Maintenance, check out Kevin’s Getting Started with SQL Server Maintenance course at Pluralsight.

Follow me on Twitter at @SQLandMTB, and if you’re into mountain bikes come over and check out my site NTX Trails.

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