While this post is for everyone, it is specifically written for SQL Saturday organizers…
I am filling out my 2019 schedule of target dates/locations of SQL Saturdays I want to attend/present (US only…I don’t even have a passport)
I am offering to do my DBA Fundamentals pre-con and one or two Saturday sessions (Security/DR) with a twist:
You keep my part of the pre-con proceeds for your group. I’ll cover my own travel, meals, etc. if you provide the space. This should allow you to increase your funding for the rest of the event, buy some pizza for your local group, or even discount the pre-con price should you choose to do so.
If you only have 1 or 2 pre-con spots and cannot secure an additional room at your venue, please pick from the other submissions 🙂
Tentative schedule:
- January –
- March – Chicago (23rd, submitted) or Cincinnati (30th)
- April – Dallas *
- June –
- August –
- October –
- December –
* All of these are tentative, some dates not granted yet
So, dear organizer…if you think this offer will be a benefit to your SQL Saturday, please get in touch and let me know what your planned date is so I can be sure to submit. Kevin@DallasDBAs.com
Thanks for reading!