Integration Services Catalog package errors

Short post today…

My client makes extensive use of SSIS and deploys the packages to the Integration Services Catalog (ISC), and runs them via hundreds of jobs.

When one of the jobs fail, I have to go get the details.

Job History doesn’t have it.

So my process was:

  • Get the package path out of the job step
  • Expand the ISC
  • Expand SSISDB
  • Expand the Folder (get this from the job step)
  • Expand the Projects Node
  • Expand the correct Project (get this from the job step)
  • Expand Packages
  • Right-click the relevant package (get this from the job step)
  • Go to Reports, Standard Reports, All Executions
  • Filter for Failed Executions
  • Cross your fingers that you can get useful info from the result.

Now, repeat for each job step that failed.

The SSIDB database has all of this in the Tables (schema – Internal) and or the Catalog Views.

It took a while, but I created this to run around those tables and views to get ALL of the errors for the last day:


Created by Kevin Hill, Dallas DBAs LLC, 12/28/2018
Inspired by work from Jules Behrens
Index tested by Peter Schott

This queries multiple SSISDB tables to return a clear path from Top to bottom 
related to errors in an Integration Services Catalog based SSIS package.
It has not yet been tied back to job execution, nor is it set to email info out.

Use this as a backup to your normal job failure checks to tie it all together
instead of spending a full cup of coffee clicking and drilling into the cumbersome 
All Executions report.

Free to use and modify, please leave this header as a courtesy.



Select Distinct
	fold.[name] as Folder_name
	,proj.[name] as Project_Name
	,pack.[name] as Package_Name
	--,mess.[execution_path]		-- this is pretty long path if you are pasting into an email or Excel
From [internal].[projects] proj
	Join [internal].[packages] pack on proj.project_id = pack.project_id
	Join [internal].[folders] fold on fold.folder_id = proj.folder_id
	Join [internal].[executions] execs on 
		execs.folder_name = fold.[name] and
		execs.project_name = proj.[name] and 
		execs.package_name = pack.[name]
	Join [internal].[operation_messages] ops on execs.execution_id = ops.operation_id
	join [internal].[event_messages] mess on ops.[operation_id] = mess.[operation_id]
		and mess.event_message_id = ops.operation_message_id
		and	mess.package_name = pack.[name]
Where 1=1
	and ops.message_type = 120		  -- errors only
	--and mess.message_type in (120,130)  -- errors and warnings
	and ops.message_time > getdate() - 1 -- adjust as necessary

If you have a very large SSISDB due to activity or long retention, please consider this index:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [NC_OpsID_MessageType_MessgeTime] ON [internal].[operation_messages]
	[operation_id] ASC,
	[message_time] ASC,
	[message_type] ASC
INCLUDE ([message])


If this is useful for you, please rate it on the TechNet Gallery where I posted it.

If you have a very active server, this can take awhile as the indexes on the underlying tables are for the cascading delete cleanup process.  I’m working on a set of good indexes that will likely be unsupported by Microsoft, but useful.

Adjust as you see fit.  Please leave the header if you use it.

Thanks for reading!



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